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A Stalker Tried to Test Keanu Reeves’ DNA


Keanu Reeves got a temporary restraining order against a guy who’s been trespassing on his property and claims they’re related. He even left a backpack there one time that had a DNA test in it.

FULL STORY: Keanu Reeves got a temporary restraining order against a guy who claims they’re related.

His name is Bryan Dixon, although he likes to call himself “Jasper Keith Reeves”. He claimed on social media that he wants to prove they’re blood relatives so that he can sign all his rights over and have Keanu take care of him.

He’s 38 years old. (???)

Dixon has trespassed on Keanu’s property six times over the last few months. He even fell asleep in the backyard on November 5th.

He also left a “suspicious and alarming” backpack on the property, and it had a DNA test in it that he was apparently planning to make Keanu take.